
Expanding the public transport offering in West Sweden

Posted: 3 July 2013 | Roger Vahnberg, Vice President, Vasttrafik | No comments yet

Public transport is an important prerequisite for creating growth that will in turn make West Sweden, with Gothenburg at its heart, an attractive, sustainable and growing region – both now and in the future. In an interview for Intelligent Transport, Roger Vahnberg, Senior Vice President at Västtrafik – the public transport authority of West Sweden – comments on the measures in place to double the number of journeys made be passengers using Västtrafik services to 380 million by 2025 – a goal that has been in place since 2006.

Public transport is an important prerequisite for creating growth that will in turn make West Sweden, with Gothenburg at its heart, an attractive, sustainable and growing region – both now and in the future. In an interview for Intelligent Transport, Roger Vahnberg, Senior Vice President at Västtrafik – the public transport authority of West Sweden – comments on the measures in place to double the number of journeys made be passengers using Västtrafik services to 380 million by 2025 – a goal that has been in place since 2006.

Public transport is an important prerequisite for creating growth that will in turn make West Sweden, with Gothenburg at its heart, an attractive, sustainable and growing region – both now and in the future. In an interview for Intelligent Transport, Roger Vahnberg, Senior Vice President at Västtrafik – the public transport authority of West Sweden – comments on the measures in place to double the number of journeys made be passengers using Västtrafik services to 380 million by 2025 – a goal that has been in place since 2006.

With a public transport system that is fit for purpose, Västtrafik is enabling West Sweden to develop larger, denser and stronger local labour markets.

The maximum acceptable commuting distance is usually around one hour of travel. However, commuting by car is neither financially nor environmentally sustainable.

“Therefore what’s required is a competitive public transport system that handles 40% of all journeys within the region compared to just 25% today,” explains Roger. This allows for sustainable expansion of the region with more opportunities for growth in the labour market.

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